Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Bleeding Heart" Authored by Xavier Saer

It has been a while, but wanted to share this with you all...

I have said before that I will be mentioning the people in my life that have made an impact on my personal growth and inner peace, on me as a person, being and soul...

Many of you have heard me mention how important the people and beings I choose to walk on my path, are to me... I am blessed to have the most amazing people and souls, that I choose to walk within my soul and share my life's journey... My Peroni Baby (PB), Xavier Saer is without a doubt one of those beings that bring light, love and guidance into my existence.

This gorgeous friend of mine has been imprinted within my soul, from the first time I met him, as a judge in a competition I sang in... Somehow we connected and that puzzle piece of my picture of life just fit and fell perfectly into my 'picture'. About 6 years on, he is still a part of the light and love and inspiration in my life.

He is a singer, song writer, teacher, actor, model and now phenomenal Author, and as his Peroni Angel (PA), I can only but be incredibly proud of him.

I recall reading the very first draft written for "Bleeding Heart" and with every re-write, I have seen and experienced the insatiable growth of the words, inspiration, guidance, wisdom and love captured in his written words.

It has been a long, winding, but beautiful journey, with inspirational, phenomenal rewards... My dearest friend Xavier Saer, is finally launching the release of his novel called "Bleeding Heart"... Exceptional reading, written and authored by an exceptional and talented soul...

Xavier's book is finally being launched on Thursday, 1st November 2012 and his book will be wildly available... It is a must read! Shall keep you all updated on how and where to get a copy of "Bleeding Heart".

Love you special my PB... I am honoured to have walked a small part of this journey with you and am looking forward to an incredibly blessed and special celebration

Love and light
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