Saturday, May 12, 2012



The greatest gift to a mother is her child/ren. The greatest gift to a child, is a mother.

Mamma… you have been my mentor, my teacher, my strength and you have helped guide me and mould me into who I am today.

I look back on the years we have shared and I am blessed and grateful. I am seen as 'Angel' now, it is part of who I have become… but it stems from you Ma… You have been an 'Angel-Mum'.

You have taught me life skills and you have shown and given me nurturing, caring, kindness, support, patience, faith and greatness, and all through divine and unconditional love.

You are my inspiration Ma. All of the qualities I have within me, the self-love, the confidence, the gratitude, the love and light… the things those around me say they see radiate from within me … are qualities I have learned from you, qualities you instilled within my core.

Thank you Mamma… thank you for choosing to raise me and take care of me. Thank you for wiping my tears of sadness, thank you for sharing in my joy and happiness. Thank you for having faith in me, believing in me and for supporting my life choices. Thank you for being who you are Ma… Great-Grandmother, Grandmother and thank you for being my Mother. Most importantly, I thank you for showing me how to be the best mum I can be, to Kyra.

I appreciate and cherish you… I love you, always.


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